Monday, January 5, 2009

Household Finance Management......Part-1

Money is oftentimes become the cause the happening of divorce. Dispute concerning finance might possibly happened the abundance money moment and money insuffiency moment. Indonesia society feel risih if/when have to discuss the finance problem in family. Therefore we feel important to continue to to call upon to all society circles especially husband/wife spouse to learn each other open [regarding/ hit] his finance each. We very believe that each and everyone have the view concerning the money different each other because husband or wife enlarged in different environment. Failure in discussing the money problem in family have potency [to] generate problems.

Many people feel that discussing finance in family is taboo. But in our opinion, this matter [oppositely;also] ought to be discussed. This circle have thinked, What a by letting problem of finance in family continuing will finish the anything? Or can become the snowball continuing big? Small problem can become big if is not overcome and finished with wise. Therefore in the case of family finance is is very required by a management pattern where each individual in family ( wife and husband) have its rights and obligations each. With division of circumstantial discussion and also responsibility can lighten the problem possibly arise in future.

Following is the three management type you can select;choose as according to your desire with your couple. It is of course still many again the management pattern. all important Matter here is each other openness and also experience life of family with responsibility with.

1. Money with and System Envelope
Production of direct wife husband joined together. Then, aliance both of direct earnings is allocation to posts expenditure of routine which have been calculated in advance. As a rule, each;every post represented by one envelope. Post to post that expenditure, at some families, not only requirement of household eat to drink, and just electrics, but also including paying the house credit, car instalment, electrics, telephone, child school fee, insurance and requirement of car ( gasoline, periodic service, damage, and others). Even saving, expenditure of person ayah-ibu and vacation is even also become the separate envelope. If (there are) any remains, packed into by the wife or husband saving, or special open again account with in bank to accomodate™ envelope remains per month.

2. Divide Based on Percentage
this Management form is to dividing the responsibility in the form of amount or percentages Seluruh requirement of family is each month counted including emergency post and saving post. Each mutually agree to to contribute equal to certain quantity to close over the the requirement. The rest used as by the personal saving for the requirement of person. For example, wife buy the perfume, lipstick, or clothes. Can also without calculating requirement of family beforehand, Wife and Husband give the is same contribution pursuant to percentage of. For example 80:20. Mean, each “ remit” 80 percentage of his salary. Remains of 20 [gratuity/ %] kept for ownself. If could scrimp, from money with the 80 [gratuity/ %], can remain for the saving of family, beside husband and wife is also each have the personal saving.

3. Divide Responsibility
For example, husband release the expense for business “ heavy”, be like paying the house credit, car instalment, electrics, telephone, child school fee, requirement of car, and insurance. Whereas wife shares is monthly logistics expense, Accessories house, eat something of the home, and saving post and weekend vacation. Seen from hims amount, husband account more funds. But wife is also have role in household fund contribution. If actually the wife have the bigger earnings, it is of course this matter also able to be done on the contrary.

Which which is best? This matter is very influenced by habit and it is of course agreement between wife and husbands. Expostulated by this matter with couple each, so that problem of family finance not again become the family internal issue.

If wife don't work? How is?
Third follow the example of to the is pattern allocation of earnings of wife and husband. Where husband and wife work and yield the earnings regularly per month. How is also if/when only laboring wife or husband? Is while other couple live in the house?

If this matter which become the finance pattern in your family it is of course will be very good when you and you couple discuss the duty and also responsibility each. Possibly you is as husband because working the trying to fulfill all requirement of family. Is while wife who live in house hold responsible in the case of household, start from problem of expense regular allocation monthly shall saving ( of earnings of husband) to be assorted of owned family finance purpose. In this case wife ought to be like manejer in a company.

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