Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Technics To Develop Money

There are a lot of things you could do to make your paycheck stretch further. You are probably thinking these are all going to be painful, but they really are not. What you have to remember is there are an unlimited number of ways you could spend your money, but you only have a limited amount of money. The point is you’ll have to make choices. Figure out what is important to you and don’t let anything get in your way of achieving it. Usually we sacrifice the big, important things for the small, insignificant ones. Look at the ideas below for ways to stretch your budget.
Save on Food
  • Skip the name brand foods, and get the store brands. The same companies that make the name brands usually make these, but they are not spending money in advertising costs. I have found that cheap ketchup and mayonnaise just don’t work though.
  • Watch for sales. Look at the store ads in the newspaper (or online). If you don’t really need something this week, just wait and see if it comes on sale the next week. Don’t be afraid to look at more than one grocery store. You’ll quickly learn where the better deals are.
  • Make a list of things you need and only buy what is on the list. Most grocery carts are full of things that were not on the list in the first place. Nothing is worse than food going to waste when you are on a tight budget.
  • Brown bag it. If you pack a lunch every day instead of eating out, you could save more than $1,200 per year. Also, you could actually use left over grocery bags (the plastic ones) instead of buying the brown lunch bags.
  • Clip coupons. Too much of a headache? Just do it the easy way. Flip through the Sunday ads, and only clip coupons that are at least 50 cents and only for those products you always purchase, such as your favorite brand of coffee, cereal, peanut butter, etc. Also look for food coupons such as pizza, or any of the larger restaurant chains you always end up going to on Friday nights (and Saturdays, and Tuesdays). Do not use coupons just because you have them. Only use them to buy the things you were already going to purchase anyway.
  • Skip the appetizers. Most restaurants charge at least $5-$7 for an appetizer. Unless you are splitting with friends, they are usually just a waste of money. Not only do they tend to be unhealthy (think cheese, plus carbs, plus grease), but they also keep you from finishing your $15-$20 meal.

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